Watch This Space...
Sam Thorogood (00:00): Hello, I hope you are doing well, wherever you happen to be listening to this podcast. I am not going to be releasing an episode of Branding Love Letters this month. That's because I am in the process of reworking and developing my business. There are some big changes incoming, which is very exciting. And it will mean as well that there will be some changes coming to this podcast, Branding Love Letters. So this is very much a 'watch this space' kind of announcement. And in the meantime, I am going to link in the description to a newsletter that I published a while back with some resources in it that I've really appreciated. It's a mixture of different things online, different books as well, software that I use. Things that may be of interest to you, if you want to dig a little deeper. But yeah, in the meantime, watch this space and I will speak to you very soon. Bye bye.